King Julien will be happy: Toliara Airport by Cédrice released as freeware!
Sascha -
December 14, 2019 at 5:22 PM -
Lovely freeware for the Flight Simulator seems to be getting more and more rare. So it's even nicer to see that with the replica of the Toliara Airport (FMST/TLE) such a freeware scenery seems to have been released. It comes from a developer named Cédrice, who already introduced it here in the FSDeveloper Forum. A few days ago he finally released it under the label of Free Scenery Design for Prepar3D v4. It can be downloaded directly here at their Google Drive Account.
The Toliara Airport is located in the region Atsimo-Andrefana in the southwest of Madagascar.
About the Author
Hi, my name is Sacha. I founded Flusiboard in 2011.