Unfortunately, a few days ago there was a serious server crash, the consequences of which are still with us today. A negative after-effect is, among other things, that many of the files in our download area have been damaged. In this article we would like to not only inform you about this problem, but also use it to list which files have been repaired and can therefore be downloaded again.
Server crash damages our downloads
Unfortunately, we can't say exactly how the server crash happened a few days ago. But what we can say is that this crash and especially its aftermath is still in our minds. A few days after the Flusiboard was back online after the crash, we received a message from a member that a file was damaged. Unfortunately it turned out very quickly that it did not only affect one file, but almost all of them. Although we have already found a method how to "repair" the files again, this requires research and some manual steps. For this reason it may take some time until all downloads are working again. We can only apologize for any inconvenience caused. And a lot of patience.
These downloads are already available again
But in this article we would like to give hope and list here which downloads we have already restored. Of course we will update the article regularly to add to this list.
List of already repaired Downloads
ID |
Name of the Download |
Date |
1 | Sierra.Foxtrot-Design - Auerbach X | 14.01.2020 |
3 | R. Wukovits - Airbus Takeoff Performance Calculator | 10.01.2020 |
103 | Stairport Sceneries - SAM - Scenery Animation Manager | 12.01.2020 |
108 | Joe Rowe - Bell 206 Helicopter Beta | 12.01.2020 |
112 | PWDT - Yakovlev Yak-18T | 12.01.2020 |
118 | PWDT - Let 410 v3 by Thomas Röhl (Base Pack) | 11.01.2020 |
119 | PWDT - Let 410 v3 by Thomas Röhl (Package 2) | 11.01.2020 |
120 | PWDT - Let 410 v3 by Thomas Röhl (Package 3) | 11.01.2020 |
121 | PWDT - Let 410 v3 by Thomas Röhl (Package 4) | 11.01.2020 |
122 | Free Scenery Designs - Toliara Airport | 10.01.2020 |
123 | E-Jets Speed Calculator | 12.01.2020 |
... |
Which downloads are not affected
Not affected and therefore fully functional are all files that have been added to our download database for the first time as of Wednesday, January 8, 2020. So starting from ID #126 upwards.