Hueys Free Saba
"Saba" soll der kürzeste Airport der Erde sein, ich realisierte ihn quasi aus einer Not heraus, weil SABA seiner Zeit leider in keinem St. Maarten packet oder auch einzeln zu haben war.
Together with SandyDee, Hueypilot (also represented in our community) has released its next freeware scenery for X-Plane. To be more precise, this time it's about Bonn-Hangelar Airport (EDKB). The scenery has been released for X-Plane 12 and it is available here at
The scenery of Bonn-Hangelar is not the only freeware scenery from Hueypilot. Our download area here also has Free Saba ready for you. A rendition of what is probably the "shortest airport in the world":
Hi, my name is Sacha. I founded Flusiboard in 2011.