Evgeny Baturin has been publishing sceneries for Prepar3D for several years now. And although he cooperates with the Russian design company JustSim, one aspect distinguishes him from them significantly: Evgeny takes his time and publishes under his label Digital Design only from time to time. So his works are correspondingly more detailed.
Today the next scenery from Digital Design has been released. This is a realization of the Lyon airport (LFLL/LYS) in the southeast of France. This is a special pleasure for the flight simulator pilots, not only because of the fact that this airport seems to be always forgotten. The last time a scenery of this airport appeared in 2013, but it seems to be rather sparse in terms of quality.
The simulator pilot can also be happy about the fact that this is a very special airport with a really extraordinary architecture. Besides the detailed implementation of this very special terminal and the airport itself, the product description promises high-resolution 4k textures with PBR effects and much more. The scenery is compatible with both Prepar3D v5 and P3D v4.5.
Whether the scenery will also be released for X-Plane 11 is not clear. After all, the previous release, an implementation of Liverpool Airport, has not been released for this platform yet. Digital Design Lyon for Prepar3D is available here at simMarket, it costs 23.90€ + VAT.
- Payware
- Scenery
- Digital Design
- Prepar3D v4
- Release
- Europe
- Prepar3D v5
- France
- Airport Lyon (LFLL/LYS)
About the Author
Hi, my name is Sacha. I founded Flusiboard in 2011.