X-Plane pilots with a penchant for slightly older airlines should be quite happy these days. After the status update on Just Flights A300 there is now more information about a similar project by iniBuilds. This project is already in beta testing for quite some time. According to the development update 5 these are running well, but we don't want to commit ourselves to a concrete time frame for a release.
However, it is certain that the freighter version, the Airbus A300-600R(F), will be released first. The passenger version, the Airbus A300-600R, will be delivered free of charge shortly afterwards. Further features of the add-on will include specially created FMC and 4k textures with PBR effects. The target sales price has also still not been communicated and therefore remains open. All details can be read in the developers' post linked above.
The developers also provide a video in the Stauts update, which shows, among other things, the starting procedure of the engines from the cockpit. This can also be viewed in the article linked above or directly here on YouTube.
Even though Just Flight is currently working on the implementation of an Airbus A300, which will be available for X-Plane 11 as well as Prepar3D, a comparison of both projects is of course not correct. While the developers of Just Flight are working on an Airbus A300B4-200, iniBuilds are implementing the Airbus A300-600, which was developed much later. This aircraft celebrated its market launch eight years later.
About the Author
Hi, my name is Sacha. I founded Flusiboard in 2011.